Thursday, February 19, 2015

Here's some info on stuff I'm up to:

1. Art Shows
a) I'm in a group show at Seeing Things Gallery in San Jose, CA. Show runs till March 6.
b) I'm painting for a solo show in Brooklyn at Grumpy Bert for April 25th. Also will be in a group show with them in May.
c) October I will be having a solo show at Foe in Northampton, MA.

2. Stuff I made:
I've been screen printing new things, You should check over in my store if you haven't in a while. I'm trying to just work on stuff that's not painting. Here's my newest print:

Also "Fuck You" Bat Totes. Printing shirts for ladies soon because it's been asked for by a lot of folks.

3. Other things
a) I did an illustration job for Chipotle. You can see it here, or you can go and buy a burrito.
b) Book recommendations: Megahex by Simon Hanselmann, The Incal by Alejandro Jodorowsky and illustrated by Moebius, and the Philosophy of Neo-Noir edited by Mark Conrad.
c) New Podcast Recommendations: The World This Week, Filmspotting, and Only a Game. Filmspotting comes out once a week and is like 1.5 hours long but good if you like listening to people talk about films. Only a Game is also once a week and is like half an hour long. They talk about what's going in US sports but they're not over the top, use crazy sound bites, or say obnoxious things to get attention. The World this week is just some news reports from around the world condensed into one half hour podcast.