Saturday, November 22, 2014

I did the poster for the East Bay Zine Fest this year. It's Saturday, December 6th at Berkeley City College, and I'll have a bunch of new stuff. Hopefully a new zine as well, but it's the holidays and I have to fill out all my orders by myself. Here's the Facebook invite.

East Bay Alternative Book and Zine Fest 2014

I keep forgetting to update my news section because I don't know if anyone actually visits artist websites anymore. But I haven't checked my site's analytics. Back in the day i used to average about 200-300 unique visits per day, and the last time I checked it was like 80. It probably can be less now.

I've been screen printing a lot of prints lately, and have been making more products. It's really nice to live a block away from a screen printing studio. And yeah, that's pretty much it.